Fielmann Family donates 3 million protective masks to German federal states

Private donation to the federal stategovernments of Brandenburg, Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein

Fielmann has acted early and decidedly, as the coronavirus pandemic spread across Europe. On the basis of a scientific study by Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. Martin Exner (University Hospital Bonn), the company has defined hygiene standards that counter the infection risks of COVID-19. According to these standards, a prerequisite for the safe operation of optical and hearing aid retail is a sufficient supply of personal protective equipment(PPE) for both customers and employees. PPE includes masks, protective glasses and hand sanitiser.

Consequently, Fielmann has started early on to build up a supply chain for protective masks. By now, the company has contracted millions of masks in the categories FFP2, KN95 and surgical face masks (3 ply). Fielmann also started producing protective glasses according to the requirements of DIN EN 166. The first 20,000 pieces have already been produced and donated to more than 300 hospitals and other medical institutions in Germany. The recipients have been published on the company's German website at

In many subsequent conversations with medical organisations and the health ministries of the states, it became clear that there is still a big need for PPE in the German healthcare system. This is why the Fielmann Family decided to use the supply chain of Fielmann AG to acquire 3 million protective masks (3 ply) in order to donate 1 million masks to each of the German federal states Brandenburg, Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein.

Fielmann's production and logistics center is located in Brandenburg (Rathenow an der Havel). The company's head office is based in Hamburg. And Schleswig-Holstein is the Fielmann Family's home state. This private donation to the German public is carried out by the holding company that bundles the Fielmann AG shares of Günther, Sophie and Marc Fielmann. The masks will be handed over free of charge to the Health Ministries of the respective federal states.

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