Fielmann starts producing protective glasses

The first 20.000 protective glasses will be donated to hospitals and other medical organisations

Fielmann AG, based in Hamburg, Germany, has started the development and production of protective glasses in order to support the efforts to combat the Covid-19 pandemic. Protective glasses are - next to masks - a vital component of the protective gear used by doctors and medical specialists. These glasses are used to protect against droplet infection - a significant source of infections with Covid-19.

Marc Fielmann, CEO of Fielmann AG, explains: "Observing the rapid development of the coronavirus crisis, we have altered a part of our supply chain for plastic frames in favor of protective glasses. We have already started to produce protective gear according to the requirements of DIN EN 166 last week. As always, we carry out strict quality controls in our own testing laboratory in Rathenow, Germany. Additionally, we have submitted applications to renowned testing institutes to receive confirmation of our compliance with the EC-type examination. We expect a certification according to the European PSA-guideline EN 2016/425 within the next two weeks. Once we have received this, we can provide a wide range of protective glasses."

The first 20.000 protective glasses will be donated to hospitals and other medical organisations. "With this donation, Fielmann wants to thank all doctors, nurses and their colleagues for their exceptional services during these hard times. We hope that we can make a small contribution to support them in their life-saving work. A special thanks goes to Hamburg's Ministry of Health and Consumer Protection that supports us unbureaucratically with an expedited verification as well as special permissions. This way, we can equip doctors and medical staff with protective glasses very quickly", continues Marc Fielmann.

All medical organisations can submit their address and demand starting on Monday, 6 April 2020, 10:00 am at Fielmann will subsequently ship the protective glasses free of charge from its production and logistics center in Rathenow, Germany.

In the meantime, Fielmann will increase its production capacities. From the middle of April onwards, we will be able to supply the market with high-quality protective glasses at affordable Fielmann prices at By the end of April, we will also offer protective glasses with prescription. This way, we can support system-critical professions even better. The necessary consultation and measurements will take place in our stores that operate an emergency service. The assembly of these glasses takes place in our production and logistics center in Rathenow, Germany.

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