Compulsory notice from February 23, 2023

according to Article 17 MAR of the Regulation (EU) No 596/2014

Fielmann AG: Preliminary financials for FY2022

In 2022 the Fielmann Group generated external sales of around €2.03 billion (incl. VAT and inventory changes), a 5% increase over the previous year (€1.94 billion). Consolidated sales rose to €1.76 billion (+5%, previous year: €1.68 billion). Central European markets delivered robust single-digit to double-digit growth. The Czech Republic, Italy, Poland, Slovenia and Spain all grew at double digits over the previous year. Altogether, our international markets are expected to have reached net sales of €506 million, an 11% increase over the previous year (€455 million). 

Among our product categories, sunglasses and contact lenses developed particularly favorably, with growth rates of +32% and +23% respectively compared to previous year. Prescription eyewear and hearing aids saw solid to strong single-digit growth rates. Of the 968 stores (previous year: 913) that the Fielmann Group operated at year end, 352 included hearing-aid studios (previous year: 312) and dispensed more than 100,000 hearing aids in 2022.

FY2022 EBITDA is expected to stand at approximately €339.8 million (-14.2%, previous year: €396.1 million), while EBT amounts to approximately €160.7 million (-23.4%, previous year: €209.7 million) and net income to about €110.0 million (-23.9%, previous year: €144.6 million). 

To sustain our accelerated rate of investment and seize additional acquisition opportunities, the Management Board and Supervisory Board are going to recommend a dividend for the 2022 financial year of €0.75 per share (previous year: €1.50) to the Annual General Meeting on 13 July 2023. Based on our year-end share price, the dividend yield amounts to 2,0%. The total dividend payout equates to €63 million (previous year: €126 million) and corresponds to a payout ratio of 60% (previous year: 92%).  The retained funds are earmarked to be used for additional strategic investments in the short term. 

More information in our corresponding press release.

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Nils Scharwaechter
